Showing posts with label Application-Support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Application-Support. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 December 2021

Support And Maintenance: What Comes After The App Is Deployed?

There’s lots of talk about preferring slightly costlier reliability over the questionable ‘lowest rates’. Even if the budget is limited for some reason, complex projects will definitely require post-release services of your contractors. Not necessarily the same ones that built your app - but preferably, since nobody can maintain your app better and faster than those who created it. This brings us back to a reliable contractor with the rates acceptable for your budget. Your contractor is a partner, and not just a one-time short-term hire. You are most likely to collaborate after the deployment. Let’s see why and how.

For unexperienced people the necessity of further support and maintenance of an application comes to bugfixing, which any smartphone or tablet user (or more precisely, app user) witnesses from time to time. This is incorrect. There are more activities, opportunities, and responsibilities that the team takes over. It’s basically all sides of the care about the app.

Most of the modern mobile apps are client-server apps, so the presence of web service/backend is hardly disputable. As a result, there is a need for updates; and they happen even in such simple software products as book apps and flashlight apps. Here is what your development company can do for you:

1. Reacting To Emergencies

This kind of fixing deserves a separate overview. Crashes of online processes may be the reason for immediate reaction, for example, if there is a risk of security breach. Errors in the logic can be even worse than crashes - they will require cleaning them up. Any urgent issue may arise at any time, and it’s the task of your developers to address and eliminate it as soon as possible - then make an update to keep the users confident that everything has been set to order.

2. Extra Functionality

Software owners tend to upgrade their products with additional features and enhancements. Conditions for the necessary flexibility are usually set from the beginning.

3. Design Improvements

Redesigns are also quite commonplace. Either a new feature requires it, or feedback from users with suggestions on changes - redesigning is more efficient if the same team works on your product.

4. Scaling

With the success of the product, the user base grows. Scaling on the server side will require efforts of your developers.

5. Regular Bugfixing

There are many possible situations when you’ll have to fix reported bugs: new hardware of different screens and performance powers; API updates, platform updates; changes in your business environment (for example, you want/have an app for internal use and have to change the type of employees’ devices). These may not be fixes of emergency, yet you will need someone to do the job.

Yes, and everybody fixes bugs from time to time: Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and even Apple. We should also mention that updates, for whatever purpose, are good. Users love updates, they need to know that their favorite app is taken care of. Updates improve the ratings of your app.

6. Changes In Software - Changes In Documentation

Whenever you receive your software, you receive its documentation. Changes in software should be reflected in the documents - even minor updates, minor changes in the code and minor bugs fixed.

7. Dispelling The Uncertainty

Sometimes it’s required not to just code exactly what a software owner wants. The most widespread example is when software owners don’t know what they want, don’t have any well-written documentation, or simply have no experience in building software products whatsoever.

In combination with a limited budget, it’s sometimes impossible to implement all of the ideas you might have. A good development team is able to consult and find the optimal iterational way of developing a product on the existing budget and deploying it on the market, with further updates for the money monetized, and the feedback gained from users upon the first release. Together you can analyze the results and take further actions, release new versions. It’s quite useful to have creative experts up your sleeve.

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Video Analytics the Next – Generation Safety and Security Solutions


Description: since time immemorial videos or moving images have been adapted to tell stories or share vital messages in very few words. Today, with video analytics widely adopted there is more than storytelling or sharing of messages on the mind. It has become an integral part of most innovation-driven modern institutions, businesses and industries. It is being used to design and develop incredible innovations that drive several industries and businesses on the path to success.

These innovations range from real-time search, CCTV footage analysis, cybersecurity, business analysis and many other forms of adaptations. Video analysis has always produced irrefutable evidence and data that can be acted upon to make meaningful decisions. Video analytics has taken this debate further to provide actionable insights or critical intelligence.

The Best of Safety and Security Solutions with Video Analytics

Video analytics solutions go beyond the normal safety and security paradigm to deal with future-secure applications.  These are the mainstream and next-generation safety and security solutions with various adaptations.

Next-Generation IP Video Camera Systems

In safety and security powerful, intelligent and accurate tracking, recording and monitoring systems are essential. The next-generation of these video systems are powered by high-fidelity or definition n moving and still image capability. They can deduce owing from pasts records whether the subject being is a repeat or first but more than that they are internet protocol shooting video cameras with faster processing posing power, enhance response time, flexible to personalize usage and look, resolve potential problems with analytics power and fully breach free. That is an onsite and instant resolution of any upcoming safety and security situations.

Micro-Processor Video Analytics 

 Today, most retail and departmental stores and businesses have adopted video analytics on a massive scale to help study various patterns relative to their businesses. And as a result, several valuable data patterns are generated to plan and manage daily business activity. With the ability to study and gain valuable insights from video content like shopper behaviour, preferences, general store customer patterns, most shopped products, level of remaining stock, etc. next-generation cameras can do both safety and security as well as generating vital business insights. By creating retail store heat maps, these video cameras can tell or identify busiest/peak business, customer product preferences and shopping patterns, and generate the best ways businesses can serve customers better.     

Real-Time Search Analytics

Real-time search analytics helps accomplish tasks in a matter of seconds or minutes. Tasks and assignments that would require long are over in very short durations. By reducing the search time users drastically improve their chances of a good outcome. This can be any situation that this solution applies to. Today security operations and systems rely on video analytics for faster, precise and real-time solutions and answers. The fast-paced search is possible as the video analytics connected system’s capture, index and store data in real-time. This is critical especially in situations with high human traffic like shopping malls, residential complexes, entertainment and sports events and faster processing is critical to maintaining security. By connecting multiple cameras from across multiple sites at airports, ports, hospitals, education centres, etc. it is possible to keep track of what is going on in real-time.

Real-Time Video Security Systems

Initially, they may seem like traditional surveillance cameras but on closer evaluation, they are the most technology has driven and designed home and industrial security and safety solutions. The systems provide high-definition monitoring and recording of subjects or anything considered unusual. Next-generation safety and security cameras also offer real-time monitoring with progressive alerts. From adaptation on larger scales to industrial houses, businesses, organizations and now emerging smart cities, advanced video surveillance systems are availing solutions across the board at fast speed and success.     Tracking, recording, indexing and rating all video in a matter of seconds or minutes critically impacts management outcomes.

Undoubtedly, there are several emerging and critical areas that video analytics has been adapted especially in safety and security solutions. Be international and national borders, perimeter monitoring, etc. It has changed security and safety systems millions of times to intelligent and cognitive systems that are powerful partners in the security industry. This brings in better efficiency, accuracy in detections, all-weather adaptable systems and above all giving higher integration and adaptability options.  And as the market grows so do the changing needs pose innovation streams and applications. 


Video content analytics is a big industry and still evolving as the applications and usage keep multiplying daily. Today, most next-generation video analytics India adaptations find expression and impact in real-time applications. Whether it's real-time search, cybersecurity, home and business security solutions, etc. Even the most complex business challenges and routine tasks are accomplished in short times with analytics.

With the very best, latest and path-breaking solutions there are always innovations that partner to bring in radical business transformation.

Sunday, 31 January 2021

Best Ways of Building Effective and Friendly App Support Processes

Today, it’s not enough to be busy, but the question is what are you busy doing? It’s not enough to just build an app. There are also other several questions to ask yourself. Is the app effective the way you want it to be? Is it user-friendly or is it supportive and interactive?

In modern Applications Maintenance and Support for Enterprises being able to develop an app with multi-support capacity and is user-friendly just the way the programmer wants is a great achievement on its own. If the app is good enough and user-friendly, lots of users will hold onto it which leads to an increase in the rate at which people get to download the app, know more about the app due to recommendations or references.

Apps with good recommendations are evaluated or examined nicely and that leads to good recognition and growth. So what is the perfect or effective step by step way to build a friendly app support process?

Let us find out below

In What Do You Build an Effective and Friendly App Support Process?

Apps help businesses using technology to enhance, boost trade or in execution of business plans. Experienced app makers know what is right and commit to recommend to users the best ways of getting advanced publicity. They can adapt expert skills that help user’s whenever they need inputs to resolve all forms of difficulties and challenges. Today apps are so prevalent for all forms of use and adaptations. Let’s discover in detail below the ways to build an effective and friendly app support process.

1. Development Master Plan

It is important to know that the app building process takes and requires several skills, knowledge and hard work. The primary thing to think about is the master plan of how everything will work together and that means coming out with the exact way it should appear Thorough research and getting to know more about every input helps users that will end up using the app. Besides, it is the best way to know your competitors before developing the app.

2. Closer Examination and Analysis

It is great to know the pace at which everything is getting ready, taking a closer look at what you want your app to look like or what you are looking forward to. It is also vital to know all the important items, cost of building the app, skills, time and effort required, co-workers or collaborators available to work with, and whether all are up to the task. Working as a team requires several people having common goals to work together for the success of each endeavor.

3. Composition and Functionality

App composition and functionality is about the value proposition the app possess for the user. Is the app arrangement relevant and functional for users? Is it user-friendly and does the app suit user tastes? Does it have unique features?

The app must be relevant and functional in such a way that it does not affect user’s or give them problems. It should avail users pre-occupation with using the app.

4. Authentication and Validation

This is the step after app arrangement and testing of the app. It’s vital to know whether the app is user-friendly or users have easy access. Going through the app thoroughly ensures or certifies that it is authentic and can pass through all the app tests without problems. It also establishes that the app is validated for the do-all tasks the users want it to.

5. Advance User/Customer Support

User or customer support whenever needed arises is crucial and significant. Good app support helps users whenever they reach out. Often, by the time users reach out to seek help, it indicated that the app is either hard to handle or the app isn’t entirely user-friendly.

6. Research and Development

Research and development continue even after building the app. Research and development are vital and crucial at all times as it avails the critical shortcomings or even better still ways of improving a launched and established app through market feedback and user 9nteraction. User input and suggestions can be vital for success.


In the end, with the use or adoption of Application Management services, the effort and endeavor of making an app for any purpose and reason become easy. That is because all the vital ingredients are in place to build an effective app.

Friday, 4 December 2020

Top Five Benefits of Outsourcing Application Support Services

These services involve among other things the means and ways of getting the business’ activities or work done professionally, on time and without errors by contracting the work to third parties (external experts or professionals) that are not part of or amongst the business workers and employees.

Secondly, a business or organization gets attached or linked to external experts to acquire and ensure that the best Application Support services are provided to them. Outsourcing assists or benefits the businesses and organizations in ways that help them prevent spending lavishly on irrelevant things.

Thirdly, it also leads to the reduction of the work or labour of the employee’s by doing the major or the most important part of the work, and this leads to greater productivity. What’s outsourcing application services?

What is Outsourcing Application Services?

As previously stated, it is getting the work done appropriately with an external professional and meeting up to the business satisfaction by preventing extravagant spending of money. Outsourcing application services brings about a higher production rate or higher productivity.

All businesses hire not because their employees aren’t capable of working but hire extra outside help or professionals to provide the services whenever they are required or become acutely aware of that need. Every business knows that this extra help gives them the ability to rise to greater heights of success they are aiming for or meet their expectations.

These software programs and applications are adopted to carry out the work or activities that are designed in such a way to impact positively and improve all day to day activities going on around the business. With this, the business doesn’t have any cause to worry or feel like everything they are doing is in vain.

Value Proposition of Application Support Services

(a). Application support services draw or pull the business to the centre of attention by helping the businesses to know a real deal when it comes to genuine transactions.

(b). These services help or aid to meet up to the business expectations  That is when businesses can provide goods and services to their clients and help the businesses retain them too.

(c). For a business to be successful, it depends on the connections, the way it interacts with its clients, and most importantly the services it renders to the clients or customers. Only businesses serving their customers well by providing all their needs can take a stand when it comes to competitive markets.

(d). About 45% of all businesses engage in outsourcing business support services in which 25% engage in outsourcing basically to improve their regulation of the business. On the other hand, 15% of businesses are into outsourcing to render services from outsider experts or professionals.


5 Exclusive Benefits of Outsourcing Application Support Services.

1. Prevents and Stops Business Extravagance.

For continued and sustained growth of the business, it is vital to spend money wisely and appropriately. It doesn't make sense when ultimately money spent is not yielding any profit or positive results for the business. That implies all the efforts are a total waste of precious capital. But with the right mechanism in prudent financial management bolstered by Application Management Services, it helps stop extravagance and helps improve the growth of the business and concurrently helps in client or customer retention.

By monitoring the costs of administrative overheads, employee allowances, payouts, daily expenses and essential expenses, it helps to make clean, accountable and well managed financial base for the business.

2. Reduce Wages Paid-Out to Employees

Employee payouts in the form of salaries, allowances, and other remuneration tend to cost the business dearly even in relatively areas outsourcing would suffice. And so with outsourcing, employees aren’t required to do the tasks where it would get the work done faster, cheaper and more efficiently. So the rate at which the employees get paid decreases. Additionally, outsourcing reveals to the business or organization the critical areas where manpower is needed the most and assign tasks accordingly. This also means since employees perform duties they are given/assigned they aren't doing all the business activities by themselves and are therefore not overburdened. It’s therefore easy to evaluate and calculate what is due to each employee.

3. Administrative Regulation and Monitoring.

Administrative regulation of the daily activities in the business helps improve the rate and extent to which the business can deliver or provide the services and products needed by its customers at the right time. Besides, the business can retain its old customers and acquire or win new ones too.

4. Instant Innovation Application 

Innovations that help provide better services and products also help access higher productivity. These must be instantly be adopted by businesses or organizations. By doing this, businesses reduce the rate at which they may experience or incur a loss. With these innovations, it doesn’t matter whether the businesses are newly started or have been in existence for long periods. Outsourcing application services make use of the same machinery that is used by bigger businesses.

5. Enhanced Data and Information Security

Outsourcing application services ensure enhanced security especially when it comes to important and delicate information of the customers or clients that are not meant to be disclosed to the other parties. Every business has a privacy policy and non-disclosure agreement of vital data central to its operations and legal operational requirements. Data and information security is a rising issue in B2B and B2C operations today.


With Application Support and Maintenance Services, by allowing external experts or professionals to carry out the business’ tasks, it means they are confiding in them and they have been assigned to take over the activities. The outsourced services aren’t mandatory to be done inside the company. The most important fact, however, is that they reduce manpower or labour requirement and impact the costs the business has to face as well as ensure optimum satisfaction.

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